Auto Train Crescent City Derailment Superliners AMTK 34126, 34125 and 32100         
In Rand Yard, waiting for departure. Superlin`rs from P052-18, April 18, 2002 Crescent City, FL derailment are being prepared to be moved from Sanford Auto Train station to from what I was told, to the FRA's Transportation Technology Center in Pueblo, Colorado. Two of the liners I understand were/are to be used for terrorist/hostage type training by law enforcement and one was going to be blown up for research purposes. P052-18 eerailed cars 3-23, after passing over a track buckle/sun kink. Sleeper 32100 ended up on its right side in a ditch, the derailments 4 fatalities were from this car. Coach car 34125 was found, upright, ~erpendicular to right of way. While coach car 34126 was found on lying on its left side. The cars left Sanford approx. June 16, 2005.
Date: 6/15/2005 Location: Sanford, FL   Map Show Sanford on a rail map Views: 899 Collection Of:   Craig Cook
Rolling Stock: AMTK 34126 (Passenger Car) AMTK 34125 (Passenger Car) AMTK 32100 (Passenger Car) Author:  Craig Cook
Auto Train Crescent City Derailment Superliners AMTK 34126, 34125 and 32100
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  Auto Train Crescent City Derailment Cars Movement
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