UP 7882 in second position in a very slow moving eastbound double-stack... and something that keeps hitting me all over the south: the trains are allowed to run free, so the weeds you see between the photographer and the units? Thats it... no fences, no Rail Police shaking us down, yet were parked in a little dirt and gravel road siding somewhat near the tracks, possibly used by maintenance vehicles - but theres no "No Trespassing" signs, theres no dirty looks, and even the better half has commented how often we get a friendly toot and wave while weve been down south (although right now shes not riding shotgun, but my Uncle is grimacing while Im parking our car in what might normally be considered a 4x4 / higher clearance truck parking spot... something about balancing the car between the ruts to park - most of my family has gotten used to this, but it would seem this being his first morning to ride with me, he might be having second thoughts about sanity... of one or both of us)... but its nice to have reasonable access to watch the trains - it would seem, unlike the Pacific Northwest, they trust you to use common sense and stay out of the way of trains. That or they have fewer lawyers... now Im sort of wondering about the relatively well fed vultures around these parts... |